BLOG POST 16: The secret key to our memory
How many of you have given up on studying something because you felt like you wouldn't remember anything from it anyways? How many times have you found it hard to concentrate on something? How many times have you been embarrassed when you were questioned in a meeting because you couldn't recall things that were really relevant in the discussion? "The existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don't come to mind when we want them" - Friedrich Nietzcshe Memory is such an integral part of learning and yet our schools never train us on how to use it properly and effectively. Companies employ people with a good memory; to be a good player of cards you require a good memory; even people like people who can remember their names even after a very long time. Where is memory not required? Man is nothing if it weren't for memories. It is the cornerstone of our existence and it determines the quality of our decisions. Your mem...