BLOG POST 20: Some choices are pre-decided
Hi Readers, In my previous blog, I talked about the choices we have to make in life when we arrive at a juncture: Stand by what you choose That made me think about those choices we play no part in, those choices which have been pre-decided for us. Our curly hair, plump face, skinny hands, dark skin, narrow eyes, an imprisoned parent, a lost child, an amputated leg, and so much more. Do we get a choice to make about this? Can we change it even if we want to? I had a really good friend who was on the heavier side. She was obese from a very young age, was diagnosed with diabetes when she was just ten, had PCOS when she turned fifteen, encountered facial hair growth when she was too young to even understand it. She shares her story oftentimes with disappointment as she recalls the many pleasures she was denied of which other kids of her age were bestowed with. Did she have a choice? A great majority of us keep narrowing our focus onto the drawbacks we have. "I hate my curly hair...